Nella giornata di oggi, Techland ha rilasciato una nuova patch per la versione PC di Dying Light.
Il gioco è stato portato alla versione 1.4.0 permettendo finalmente ai modder di poter dare sfogo alla loro fantasia, avendo però alcune limitazioni sulla parte online del gioco, riducendo l’uso della RAM, la correzione di alcuni bug e l’introduzione di alcune migliorie sulla gestione delle risorse hardware.
Il suddetto aggiornamento partirà in maniera automatica una volta avviato Steam.
Dying Light è disponibile in versione digitale dal 27 gennaio 2015 per PC Windows, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One, mentre la versione retail uscirà il 27 febbraio 2015 per PC Windows, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One.
Di seguito il Changelog ufficiale in inglese delle migliorie apportate:
Hardware, performance & stability issues
• Resolved various stability issues
• Numerous general performance optimizations
• Significantly reduced RAM memory usage
Gameplay issues
• Added option to disable film grain video effect.
• Fixed the issue with reaching Survivor Rank 25
• Optimized video memory management to eliminate “ResizeBuffers failed 0x887a0005” error message
• Fixed extremely long load times that some users were experiencing
• Resolved issues with unlocking certain achievements
• Fixed the issue with ammo disappearing from player’s inventory when attempting shooting challenges
• Resolved issues with Personal Statistics menu
• Fixed problems with using keys assigned to gameplay features during chat
• Fixed duplicating weapons exploit
Be-the-Zombie mode
• Fixed the ‘infinite spit’ exploit in Be-the-Zombie mode
• Fixed several issues with connecting to games when playing as the zombie
• Added additional tools for tracking network issues
Game data integrity (modding)
• Games can be modded
• Modded games will not work online with original unchanged versions
• Modded games will work with other identically modded games
Graphical Bugs
• Resolved extremely low resolution textures on certain objects regardless of texture quality settings
Linux specific improvements:
• Fixed motion blur switching via main menu
• Fixed messaging when playing cross-platform session
Known issues we are still working on:
• Screen flickering when using dual-GPU setups
• Radeon support on Linux platforms