
[Multi] Evolve: nerf in arrivo per il Wraith

Lo sviluppatore Turtle Rock ha parlato della patch 1.3 in arrivo su Evolve, l’action multiplayer asimmetrico rilasciato poco tempo fa sulle principali piattaforme di gioco.

A quanto pare, il punto centrale dell’aggiornamento sarà una riduzione della potenza del Wraith, creatura che allo stato attuale rappresenta una sfida quasi insormontabile per i cacciatori, se raggiunge il terzo stadio di evoluzione.

La patch sarà rilasciata oggi su sistemi PC Windows, mentre gli utenti console dovranno aspettare fino alla prossima settimana.
Ecco il changelog ufficiale, in lingua inglese:

All Monsters
Minor maintenance and improvements
All monsters can see recent damage on their health bar to help make burst damage visible

Fixing some flight edge cases that were causing inconsistencies making him too powerful or too weak depending on the situation

Cooldown increased by one second
Reduced knockback magnitude

-Tranq Darts, Stasis Grenades and Harpoons
Pull Kraken down at a consistent rate regardless of whether he is in combat or out of combat. (they used to stack outside of combat)
Kraken’s flight speed is no longer slowed by Tranqs since they pull him to the ground where running speed is affected

Fixed a bug that was causing Aftershock to not break harpoon traps or Arc Mines

Making her movement speed less bursty which makes her easier to keep track of. Making Supernova less lethal while still allowing it to be just as powerful. Making Warp Blast a damage dealer instead of a traversal mechanic

Speed reduced 25%

Duration decreased by 50%

Wraith becomes visible for half a second when shot while cloaked
Increased cooldown time by 2 seconds

-Warp Blast
Speed reduced by 40%
Range no longer levels up
Radius levels up now
Max travel distance set to 30 meters for all levels
Damage increased by 10%

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